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Diseased Danios changing color?

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Post subject: Diseased Danios changing color?
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:20 pm
Posts: 56
Joined: Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:19 am
About 2 weeks ago I added 2 pearl gouramis and 2 SAEs to my 45 gallon tank (which had 7 zebra danios, 1 syno cat, and 1 guppy), which I unwisely purchased from a store other than Ned's. After a couple days of sporadic scratching, one of the gouramis showed a couple spots on his head that looked like salt, so I quarantined him for 2 days, during which 2 other fish (a danio and the cat) also showed signs of ich. Since I figured the tank was already diseased, I put the pearl back and began treating with Rid-Ich, added salt, and raised the temp to 81.

After 2 Rid-Ich treatments, both gouramis started to bleed from the base of their pectoral fins. The first to show symptoms (the one I quarantined) also showed some fin rot, and cloudy eyes. The danios' gills were reddened as well. I went to Petco (it was late) and they recommended that I use Maricide for the Ich, and Maracyn-Two (Minocycline) for the secondary infections.

I'm currently on day 1.5 of the combined Maricide and Maracyn-Two treatments. The Gouramis seem to be doing a little better (their sores look better, and they're eating). The larger SAE (~2") looks good, but is still scratching on some stuff in the tank. The smaller SAE (~1.5") is very pale (his stripe has almost disapeared). The thing I am puzzled by, however, is that 2 of the danios have turned very dark, and one has turned very pale (and none are eating.) What could be causing this, and is it something serious? Should I euthanize, or try to quarantine these danios from the rest?

Also, I never had a full-blown ich outbreak, maybe 6 or 7 "grains of salt" over 3 different fish. Is it possible that I mis-diagnosed something else, perhaps velvet? For the first week that I had the new fish I had several ~5 or 6 degree temperature fluctuations due to an old heater (which is now replaced with a tronic which has been spot-on). I assume that the temperature changes had a great deal to do with the onset of the Ich.

Thanks for your advice!
Once I finally get rid of this bug I'll be driving out to Millis for all of my future fish needs.


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Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:55 am
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Location: Millis MA
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About 2 weeks ago I added 2 pearl gouramis and 2 SAEs to my 45 gallon tank (which had 7 zebra danios, 1 syno cat, and 1 guppy), which I unwisely purchased from a store other than Ned's. After a couple days of sporadic scratching, one of the gouramis showed a couple spots on his head that looked like salt, so I quarantined him for 2 days, during which 2 other fish (a danio and the cat) also showed signs of ich. Since I figured the tank was already diseased, I put the pearl back and began treating with Rid-Ich, added salt, and raised the temp to 81. SHOULD BE GOOD.

After 2 Rid-Ich treatments, both gouramis started to bleed from the base of their pectoral fins. The first to show symptoms (the one I quarantined) also showed some fin rot, and cloudy eyes. The danios' gills were reddened as well. I went to Petco (it was late) and they recommended that I use Maricide for the Ich, and Maracyn-Two (Minocycline) for the secondary infections. YOU SHOULD HAVE CHANGED 90% OF THE WATER BEFORE CHANGING TREATMENTS...ACTUALLY CHANGE 90% OF THE WATER BEFORE REPEATING A TREATMENT.

I'm currently on day 1.5 of the combined Maricide and Maracyn-Two treatments. WAY TO SOON TO AFFECT A CURE, KEEP CHANGING WATER AND REPEATING TREATMENT....DON'T STOP FOR 6 DAYS AT LEAST.. The Gouramis seem to be doing a little better (their sores look better, and they're eating). The larger SAE (~2") looks good, but is still scratching on some stuff in the tank. The smaller SAE (~1.5") is very pale (his stripe has almost disapeared)THIS IS NOTHING, JUST A STRESS PATTERN>. The thing I am puzzled by, however, is that 2 of the danios have turned very dark, and one has turned very pale (and none are eating.) What could be causing this, and is it something serious? Should I euthanize, or try to quarantine these danios from the rest?

Also, I never had a full-blown ich outbreak, YOU DO NOW maybe 6 or 7 "grains of salt" over 3 different fish. Is it possible that I mis-diagnosed something else, perhaps velvet? VELVET & ICK, SAME CURE...SALT... 2 TEASPOONS PER GALLON MAX
For the first week that I had the new fish I had several ~5 or 6 degree temperature fluctuations due to an old heater (which is now replaced with a tronic which has been spot-on). I assume that the temperature changes had a great deal to do with the onset of the Ich. CORRECT.

Thanks for your advice!
Once I finally get rid of this bug I'll be driving out to Millis for all of my future fish needs.


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Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:59 am
Site Admin
Posts: 11393
Joined: Mon Apr 26, 2004 12:16 pm
Location: Millis MA
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don't use too many meds at same time

salt with dye medicine helps
salt with anti-biotics helps

dye with anti-biotics may not be good

NEVER use copper with anti-biotics


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