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i need help!

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Post subject: i need help!
Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:16 pm
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:05 pm
Location: douglas,ma
yea its me again...and i am in trouble...ok so the other day my heater broke in the middle of the night and i woke up to a dead oscar, and the other oscar looking like hes on his way out.. the temp dropped big time, and i also developed, what i think is a bacterial bloom(white cloudy water)..so i went out and bought a new heater and installed it right away, and did a 50% water change...the heater didnt have the temp numbers on the dial so i just guestimated it and when i woke up the next morning...the bacterial bloom was still there, the oscar was swimming a bit, but still far from 100%, and my small pike cichlid and tiger shovelnose were swimming around a lot(they dont usually swim much at all)...the temp was a bit warm(82ish)...so i turned the heater down a bit, and i also added more airation..currently...the temp is now stable at 77ish..the oscar is in the same unstable condition, and the pike and catfish are still swimming a lot and hanging out a lot near the surface..and if that all wasnt bad enough...i have more bad news!! ive seen the pike rub up against the gravel..i know this is a symptom of ich, so i checked him over for the little white spots...i found 3 tiny little spots on his side fins...but it doens really look like a case of ich, just cause there are only three, and they are veeeery small(but i could be mistaken)...
ughhhh this has been the worst fish week for me ever!!!
what do u recommend i do...about EVERYTHING?

i will most likely have a ton of follow up ?s for u, and i appologize for being such a pain, i just dont want to lose these fish

hope to hear from u soon...thanks soooo much in advance!

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Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:08 pm
Site Admin
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Location: Millis MA
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raise the temperature to 81 degrees F., for a couple weeks anyway

increase the oxygen levels in the tank...
add an air pump,
a second filter,
lower the water level a few inches
so that the returning water splashes the surface a little

change 1/2 the water every day for a few days
(always use a water conditioner when adding new water)

be careful to unplug the heater
before draining the tank
and of course plug it back in
after the tank is filled

put in 2 teaspoons of salt
per 1 gallon of aquarium water

this is the most salt you can ever put in freshwater
(it's about 2.5 pounds per 75 gallons)

if you use more than 2 teaspoons of salt per gallon of water,
the salt will make the fish sick

so when you change half the water,
you put only half the salt

salt only leaves the aquarium when you drain the water...
don't have a high salt level, then let the water evaporate,
because the water will get too salty

you only need salt
when the fish are sick,
if they are 100% healthy
you do not need any salt for freshwater fish


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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:00 pm
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:05 pm
Location: douglas,ma
well the other oscar sadly passed this morning..but i did what u said and added more airation and did a 50% water change and added salt and turned up the temp...the water is now crystal clear...the other fish are doing good now...thank u soooooo much, i really appreciate the help....do u still think i should continue with daily water changes?..or can i go back to the bi-weeklys.
thanks again

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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:03 pm
Site Admin
Posts: 11392
Joined: Mon Apr 26, 2004 12:16 pm
Location: Millis MA
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when you have very large fish
you should change water as often as possible


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