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Chromis and Tangs

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Post subject: Chromis and Tangs
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:07 am
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:27 am
Location: Holliston
Hi, I just added a yellow tang and a hippo tang to my 90 gal tank. I was worried about the two getting along but tropic isle said they would be fine. They are both about 2"...pretty small, the yellow tang is the larger of the two so I put him in second.
Anyway, I have a few questions. Would either of the tangs be happier if I got two more.. to make a group of three of either kind? Or are they better off single?
I am also having problems with the green chromis still. I had asked before about them because the larger ones were picking on the smaller ones. They got a little better so I decided to give them a chance for a while. But now the chromis are picking on my yellow tang! The tang seems to be in perfect health but the larger Chromis chase him around a lot until he hides somewhere.
So I was wondering if I could trade in my 5 Chromis for something else that might be a better fit for my tank?
Also, Do you have any royal grammas right now? Or will you be getting some in the near future?
Oh also, in my tank I have the 5 chromis, 1 yellow tang, 1 hippo tang, and two clowns. No corals or inverts, just the live rock.
Thanks for the help! Julie

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Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:39 pm
Site Admin
Posts: 11392
Joined: Mon Apr 26, 2004 12:16 pm
Location: Millis MA
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Hi, I just added a yellow tang and a hippo tang to my 90 gal tank. I was worried about the two getting along but tropic isle said they would be fine. They are both about 2"...pretty small, the yellow tang is the larger of the two so I put him in second.
Anyway, I have a few questions. Would either of the tangs be happier if I got two more.. to make a group of three of either kind? Or are they better off single? USUALLY WE PUT JUST 1 TANG OF EACH KIND IN A TANK.
I am also having problems with the green chromis still. I had asked before about them because the larger ones were picking on the smaller ones. They got a little better so I decided to give them a chance for a while. But now the chromis are picking on my yellow tang! The tang seems to be in perfect health but the larger Chromis chase him around a lot until he hides somewhere.
So I was wondering if I could trade in my 5 Chromis for something else that might be a better fit for my tank? IT'S UNUSUAL FOR GREEN CHROMIS TO BE AGGRESSIVE, BUT YES YOU CAN TRADE THEM IN.
Also, Do you have any royal grammas right now? Or will you be getting some in the near future? HOPEFULLY FRIDAY, NEXT WEEK.
Oh also, in my tank I have the 5 chromis, 1 yellow tang, 1 hippo tang, and two clowns. No corals or inverts, just the live rock. YOU HAVE PLENTY OF ROOM.


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