
North Korea
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Author:  Admin [ Mon May 02, 2005 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  North Korea

Japan, South Korea, Russia, USA, China, and YES CANADA,
get their act together for about 20 FREAKING SECONDS
and just SHOOT this freaking guy (Kim) with a 30 cent bullet...
instead of 125,000 American soldiers & WHO KNOWS how many BILLIONS of dollars in Haliburton contracts?
Thank you.
The Management.
I have a question... why is is this difficult????????????????

Author:  Tanganyikajoe [ Mon May 02, 2005 4:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

I tell ya those Haliburton guys know how to spend money. When I was in Iraq, I lived on a tiny little camp 50-60miles south of Bahgdad. I mean tiny, from one end of the camp to the other was less than a mile. Anyways, The KBR guys (Haliburton) area was about, say 200 yards from the mess hall. Each and every guy had a brand new $40,000 Chevy truck that never left the camp. Just drove to the mess hall and back. I mean they had half a million dollars just in chevy trucks on this camp ( this was just one of many camps). Not to mention they pay their guys pretty well to. Where the plumbers make $120,000 a year and the first $80,000 is tax free living in Iraq. Did I mention they are all from Texas to.
Sorry, didn't mean to change the subject. But I agree, Shoot the bastard.

Author:  UncleHerpie [ Tue May 03, 2005 5:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sheesh, give the guy a break...Why does everyone hate self-genocidal maniacs nowadays?...He is their leader, their god, their education system, their comic book superhero, and their father all rolled into one!



no, seriously...I'm not even joking...I watched a pbs program onDemand about him and N.Korea, and it just made me sick to my stomach. How can people take it...The man starves his own people because of his self imposed embargo on the World(except a select few sources that bring him things like weapons and chemical isotopes of course)


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