
Some info about your Orange Shrimp
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Author:  Jane In Upton [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Some info about your Orange Shrimp


I just got 4 of your Orange Shrimp (can't find which stock thread I saw them listed in...) and I've found out a bit about them.

Upon taking a close-up look, and consulting with some FW Invert forums, I believe they are known as Mandarin Orange Shrimp (Caridina propinqua).

Pictures can be seen here:


and here:


They require a saltwater phase in their egg development cycle, and go through a benthic stage, so they're more like Amano Shrimp, which, to my knowledge, are not widely bred by hobbyists.

Still though, they are reported to be a very good scavenger and algae eater, and gosh darn they're pretty!

But... so much for thinking to try and breed them.

Author:  Admin [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:30 am ]
Post subject: 

...but everything that Jane said about
them is true. Can't breed them in a freshwater aquarium even though
they regularly carry eggs. They are most likely the species that she
listed or something very closely related.
They are very hardy and i would recommend them for beginners.

---Dan Linton

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