
What'cha Got?
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Author:  the real mc. koi [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:05 am ]
Post subject: 

I've got a great big copper bottom pot
fish soup anyone?

Author:  the real mc. koi [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:33 am ]
Post subject: 

no, really.
i have a dozen tanks in my cellar, never got larger then 70g.
but are all empty at this time :(
sold all fish to local fish store that is no longer araund (armstrong animals) i use to trade all my bred fish for fish stuff to him and he loved it!!!!! ciclids mostly
i do however install and maintain serious koi ponds for a living
last two are a 1000g. and 3000 g 5'5" deep with custon built trickle filters with a stone path over them so you see/here nothing but the waterfall
planted and stocked with some nice koi fish
all concete formed.
I go to work and have a ball maintaining them
i enjoy that large amount of water!!!
as life is now about to relax a bit i am seriously thinking of resetting up all that equipment i have instead of the spiders living in it.
all the equip. fitrs, heatrs, etc...should just need a good steriwash.
i only have heaters lights and air/water pumps, I custom build everything else myself, better filters than you can possibly buy for pennys on the dollar!!!!
i'll toss the 10y old fish food and old meds (not many) obviously.
wonder if dried up silicon will be a problem...
should i give it a try or just get my utility knive out right off the bat?
yes/ no?

i'm interested in s. american dwarf chiclids from private breeder or ned... but ned many arrow shots from here
many moons away!!!
anyone near salem ma?

Author:  Tanganyikajoe [ Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Update on my tanks.
Since my last post in this subjust, Ive moved to Texas. Currently living on Ft. Hood. Ive taken down most of my tanks before the move. So the only thing that came with me was:
Stocked with eight w/c Moba Frontosa
1 lonely male Aulonocranus Dewindti
1 adult bristle nose
3 juvie albino bristle nose pleco

30 gal.
4 juvie moba frontosas
6 juvie albino bristle nose plecos

Ang going back to Iraq in a few months, got to keep it at 2 tanks so my wife can manage them.

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