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New tank

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Post subject: New tank
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:16 pm
Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:05 pm
Next month I think I'm going to be ready to set up a new tank. A large one this time, probably around 200 gallons. I'm considering what kind of stock I want to put in it, and I'm looking for suggestions. Here are the parameters I'd like to follow:

1. Freshwater
2. Planted
3. Fish should be good parents. I like raising fry. :-)
4. Fry should be desirable. Like, I don't want to be trying to find someone to take 200 convicts off my hands every month. I don't want to make a profit on them, but I want to be able to find them homes.
5. Should get along with my current Jewel cichlids (Hemichromis, um, I guess bimaculatus).

I'd prefer understocked to overstocked. I'll probably cycle the tank using guppies, since I have plenty of those to spare.

Anyone? Everyone? What's your favorite fish that might fit into this setting?

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Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:26 pm
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we happen to have some wild caught Biotodoma Cupido

Let me bid on the tank
what equipment do you need?


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Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:02 pm
Posts: 45
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I'll be needing all the equipment, and sure, you're my first choice as long as your price is halfway reasonable.

As for exactly what "all" means, that's something I'm still considering. I may consider a custom tank, but otherwise I'd need that, a stand, lighting, filtration, substrate, and so on. I'm open to all advice and recommendations. I won't necessarily take them, but I'll listen happily.

For filtration, I currently have a Fluval 304 on my 46 gallon tank and I'm unhappy with it. The biggest problem I have is that it doesn't filter large matter out very well. The filter gets clogged, and it's really hard to clean the filter pads. I end up with a puddle of water on my floor and I have to mouth-siphon it to get it going. I'm interested in something which will let me clean or change the filter pads very easily as frequently as I want without the hassle that I have right now. Maybe a sump is what I'm looking for.

I looked up Biotodoma cupido, and it looks interesting, but information was scarce and conflicting. I saw preferred pH ranges both high and low and hardness levels that were low to medium. My home water is somewhat hard.

It also looks like they're eartheaters. I've never had an eartheater. I guess that would mean at least part of the tank would have to be unplanted. How likely would they be to dig up plants in the other part?

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Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:44 pm
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"Custom" tank is expensive and a hassle...
lots of good sizes as stock items,
list of stock sizes is here:

well a wet dry filter is very good...
but if it's heavily planted I'd suggest Eheim canisters
you are un likely to get spills with the Pro series, it has a priming feature...
I don't like wet drys on plant tanks because the leaf shed clogs the drain

Biotodoma cupido is not too fussy, likes the water warm and clean

Not too much a digger


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Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:06 pm
Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:05 pm
Your advice about the canister filters seems good, but I think I'd like to try a different kind of filter just because I never have and I want to see what it's like.

I'm not sure how it works, but if I understand correctly, the wet/dry filter needs holes in the tank to let the water go down to the sump. If I should try doing this and I don't like it later, will it be possible to switch to a canister filter later? Can I get caps for these holes or something? Or am I totally committed once I decide to go with one method or another?

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