African cichlids expected December 5.... prices are each unless noted...
still have time to add on if there is some other species you might want
Large Peacocks & Haps :
5 males) lg Aulonocara flavescent Usisya ~4"+ Color! $55
5 males) lg Aulonocara jacobfreibergi lemon ~4.5"+ $55
5 males) md-lg Aulonocara maylandi sulferhead peacock ~3.5" +/- $55
5 males) lg Aulonocara Ngara flametail ~3.5" $55
2 males, 2 females) lg Abactochromis (Melanochromis) labrosus ~4.5" Rare! $55/pair
5 males) lg Copadichromis azureus/ ovatus Mbenji ~4.5"+ (EBII) Color! $55
2 males) lg Copadichromis borleyi Kadango red fin 4.5" $55
4 males) lg Cyrtocara moorii ~4.5" $55
2 males) Lichnochromis acuticeps Malawi Gar ~4" - 5" (Farm) $55
4 males) Protomelas sp steveni Taiwan red ~4.5"+ COLOR $55
4 males) Protomelas taeniolatus Ndiwe fireblue ~4.5" $55
4 males) lg Protomelas taeniolatus red empress ~4.5" Color; RED $55
(I can get females for most of the above ...
often free, or $5 or $10 each ... let me know soon)
15) sm-md Aulonocara albino flavescent peacock ~1.5"+ $15
15) sm-md Aulonocara walteri ~1.5"+ $15
12) sm-md Chilotilapia rhoadesi ~1.5"+ $15
20) sm-md Labeotropheus trewavasae red top/ orange ~1.5" $11
20) sm-md Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos Maingano ~1.5"+ $11
20) sm-md Metriaclima zebra OB ruby special ~1.5" $11
20) sm-md Metriaclima zebra OB slim blueberry ~1.5"+ $14
20) sm-md Mylochromis ericotaenia Manda ~1.5"+ $14
15) sm-md Otopharnyx lithobates red top aristo ~1.5"+ $14
20) sm-md Sciaenochromis fryeri elec blue ahli iceberg ~1.5"+ $12
15) sm Altolamprologus calvus black ~1.5" $20
10) sm Altolamprologus compressiceps orange F-1 ~1.5" $17
6) md-lg Altolamprologus compressiceps orange ~2.5"+ $39
20) sm Julidochromis sp. gombi transcriptus ~1.5" $15
15) sm Lamprologus leleupi orange ~1.5" $14
15) sm-md Tropheus moorii orange flame Bemba ~1.5"+ $16
VICTORIA FISH (Lake Nawampasa actually, but: it's not on the test) :
15) lg Astatotilapia (Hap.) latifasciata zebra obliquidens ~2.5" $19
6) lg Paratilapia bleekeri big spot Andapa ~4.5"+ $35
4 male, 4 female) Paratilapia Fony [ don't know the price yet ]