Ick info
... Small white dots will slowly kill your fish. It is easy to treat.
We sell here Malachite green / formaldehyde medicine
(use 1 drop per 1 gallon of aquarium water).
Repeat treatment once a day for a week
with the Malachite green / formaldehyde medicine.
... Also you can treat it with regular salt
(Sodium chloride.) Use 2 TEAspoons of salt per 1 gallon of aquarium water. Treat one time only with the salt.
(aprox 2%)...
ick have about a 10 day life cycle depending on temperature (not a bad idea to turn heat up to 82 degrees F) ... after about 12 days, the high salt level is stressing the fish badly
(also, if there were any ick they are dead anyway)
.... so that's why you need a miniumum water change of at least 50% after 9 or 10 days.
The salt kills the plants the same way it kills the ick...
the freshwater in the ick (and plants) rushes to meet and mix with the salted water, actually exploding it.
It's awesome revenge!
Any ick medicine is poison in some way, just a matter of careful dosing.
There is about 7.48 gallons in a cubic foot if you need to know how many gallons are in your aquatic system.