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Setting up a new tank, tell me if I am crazy.

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Post subject: Setting up a new tank, tell me if I am crazy.
Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 1:21 pm
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu May 24, 2007 2:29 pm
I am setting up a 29g freshwater tank.
Here is what I am thinking of putting in it.
This may be realistic or ridiculous, so please let me know if I am goods to go or off the rails.

2 Apistogramma Resticulosa (unsure of common name)
2 Rummy Nose Tetra
3 Blue Emporer Tetra
2 Archocentrus Nanoluteus (also unsure of common name)
1 Dwarf Gourami


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Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 1:40 pm
Posts: 74
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Location: Derry, NH
Common name for Archocentrus Nanoluteus is yellow dwarf they can grow to 5" so I don't know if you'd have roon for two of them in a 29 with all the others they can also be aggressive. Apistogramma Resticulosa don't know if there's a common name but they stay smaller so would be ok. Everything else looks ok.

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Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 1:41 pm
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1st off
you have room for more fish than that

only problem I see
is ....
I usually would not mix
an apistogramma cichlid
with a convict-type cichlid
...even tho Nanoleutis is the smallest of the convict types


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Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 4:15 pm
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu May 24, 2007 2:29 pm
Thanks for the quick replies, guys!

I am grateful you made the recommendation not to mix the apistos with the nanoleutis.
If I planned to axe the nanoleutis, do you think 2-3 triple red apsitos would be an ok addition?

Which fish should I populate with first, and for how long?
The tank has been running 5 days now with nothing in it, and I plan to wait until next Sunday (June 7) to add the first inhabitants so the ph can stabilize.

Are there any other inhabitants that would be recommended (snails, ect) that I can add for a little variety?


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Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 5:14 pm
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, do you think 2-3 triple red apsitos would be an ok addition?

Which fish should I populate with first, and for how long?
doesn't really matter
The tank has been running 5 days now with nothing in it, and I plan to wait until next Sunday (June 7) to add the first inhabitants so the ph can stabilize.
you don't need to wait that long really

Are there any other inhabitants that would be recommended (snails, ect) that I can add for a little variety?
we have dwarf quatic frogs, and several species of freshwater shrimp


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Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 11:43 pm
Posts: 304
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I'd go with bigger schools of the tetras - anything less than 6 isn't really a comfortable grouping IMO.

(actually, I think the fish would prefer 12 of one type over two groups of 6 but hey they don't have the wallet, we do :roll: )

I think you've got room in there for a nice shoal of each - while I wouldn't put them all in right away, I think you could do a dozen of each tetra, plus the apistos and gourami, and have a great looking display. Or - for a really awesome display, 24 of just one of the tetras, plus the other fishes. There's nothing like watching a large shoal of tetras cruising above apistos - the tetras help the apisto's relax, and the apisto's encourage the strong shoaling behavior of the tetras.

Oh, and I think a tank without a bristlenose pleco (ancistris) is like a car without winsheild wipers - you can keep cleaning the glass by hand but its a PITA :wink:

(I think the two constants in all my tanks are ancistris and java moss)



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