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Republican cheating

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Post subject: Republican cheating
Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 10:54 pm
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The Boston Globe
The primary season has ended, with New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Delaware voting today. (Louisiana calls its nonpartisan top-two runoff voting system on general election day a "primary," but it's really not.)

So it's a good day to catch up on the corrupt schemes Republicans are planning or have already deployed to try to stop Democrats from voting and Democratic victors from taking office. A few examples:

-- The Republican National Committee is training thousands of GOP poll workers and poll watchers across the country with orders to volunteer at voting locations in Democratic-majority precincts and file challenges against Democratic voters.

According to audio and video recordings of RNC staffers obtained by Politico, these recruits will have direct access to party lawyers via live chat on Election Day. The RNC also has identified GOP-friendly district attorneys willing to intervene on the spot to block vote counts at certain precincts.

Another part of the strategy is to install election deniers on the local boards, such as a Board of Canvassers, that are responsible for certifying election results.

So the scenario the GOP is setting up, Politico reports, is this:

Install politically motivated poll workers who hook up with zealous local lawyers to disrupt voting. Then file a challenge with the Board of Canvassers claiming that there is so much chaos and disruption at the polling place (which they caused), that GOP-controlled state legislatures have to intervene to declare the winners -- Republican candidates who actually lost at the ballot box.

"This is completely unprecedented in the history of American elections that a political party would be working at this granular level to put a network together," Nick Penniman, founder and CEO of Issue One, an election watchdog group, told Politico. "It looks like now the Trump forces are going directly after the legal system itself and that should concern everyone."

Isn't it sad that the Republican Party has become so pathetic that it realizes it can't win elections based on policy ideas, so it has decided to brazenly cheat instead?

Politico: ‘It’s going to be an army’: Tapes reveal GOP plan to contest elections

-- Another GOP tactic underway right now was uncovered by The Washington Post: Flood local clerk and election offices with thousands of public records requests so that workers can't adequately prepare for the general election and to deliberately weaken a system already under strain.

The goal in nearly two dozen states and scores of counties is simple: Government officials are required by law to respond to public records requests in a timely manner. So if they're busy doing that, they have far less time to finalize polling locations, mail out absentee ballots, and prepare for early voting.

Once again, the idea is to create chaos that will give critics fake ammunition to scream about election integrity, and justify intervention by GOP state lawmakers who could then throw elections to Republicans voters did not actually choose.

One tell is that tons of the requests are identically worded. In other words, there's some GOP central office making copies of these requests, sending them to party lemmings, and ordering them to file them with their local clerks.

Another dead giveaway is that the people filing the requests have no idea what they're asking for. As the Post reported:

In Wisconsin, one recent request asks for 34 different types of documents. In North Carolina, hundreds of requests came in at state and local offices on one day alone. In Kentucky, officials don't recognize the technical-sounding documents they're being asked to produce — and when they seek clarification, the requesters say they don't know, either.

Oh, you poor saps. Then again, you may not know what you're asking for, but you do know that you're trying to screw with your local election office.

The Republican clerk in El Paso County, Colorado, smells a rat.

"It's the public's right to transparency, and I understand that," clerk Chuck Broerman told the Post, speaking about the public records requests. "But at the same time, it's been reported to me that some of this has been done perhaps deliberately to break the system. And you have to ask yourself, why do they want to do that?"

Do we really have to ask ourselves, Chuck? I think we know.

WaPo: Trump backers flood election offices with requests as 2022 vote nears


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