Uncle Ned's Fish Factory

1590 Main St (Rte. 109), Millis MA 02054, USA, (508)533-5969


Normal Store Hours:

Mon - Wed : noon to 5 pm
Thurs -Sat: noon to 7 pm
Sun: noon - 4 pm


Christmas Day
December 25:


OPEN Noon - 5pm


unclenedsfishfactory@gmail.com -
email Ned directly for availability,

special order requests etc. 

Forums:  here if you have questions  
Please Call (508)533-5969 
email   unclenedsfishfactory@gmail.com


Best way to contact Ned at Uncle Ned's Fish Factory:
Phone : 508-533-5969  
I will usually pick up, if I can't pick up please call back, 

or call my cell 508-981-7730

Uncle Ned's Fish Factory
1590 Main St
PO Box 541
Millis MA 02054



Welcome to Uncle Ned's Fish Factory!
Visit our Forums here to see incoming fish and specials
Like us on Facebook:  Uncle Ned on Facebook 

Mailing Info: If you are sending us a regular US Post Office letter or package:

Uncle Ned's Fish Factory, Inc.
PO Box 541
Millis MA 02054

If you are sending us something FedEx or UPS:

Uncle Ned's Fish Factory, Inc.
1590 Main St.
Millis MA 02054


Uncle Ned's Fish Factory is located in Millis Massachusetts and is one of the New England Area's largest and most devoted tropical fish retailers. We have been dealing in rare and unusual tropical freshwater, and pond fish for over 15 years. Owner Ned Bowers has been working with fish all his life and brings his passion for the aquarium hobby to the store in the form of our unique, diverse, and healthy selection of fish. To learn more about the store, to see our current livestock listings and equiptment specials, and to participate in active discussions please visit our Forums.



Ned got his start in the fish business by importing and selling African Cichlids. These beginnings are still evident at Uncle Ned’s as we maintain one of the most diverse selections of African and South American Cichlids in New England.

At the store you will regularly find:

Rare Tropicals:

We do, of course, carry most of the common community fish, but we also use our connections in East and West Africa, South and Central America, and South East Asia, to bring in as many Rare and New species as possible. These include unusual members of the Cichlids, Tetras, Barbs, Catfish, Eels, Monster fish, and a multitude of other groups. Some examples include rare new species of West African Congo Tetra, large rare Polypterus, newly discovered South American Tetras, and a large list of fancy Plecos.

Fish Tags

New -- we have created simple fish info tags for use in the store to help you identify some of our fish species, and now you can download these. either click here or save the pdf displayed below:

KOI and Pond Fish:

We have been carrying Koi and Goldfish for years, but have recently stepped it up a notch and began importing direct from Japan. Every spring you will find a selection of true Japanese Koi at Uncle Ned’s. Ned is able to hand pick monster koi for import as well as batches of smaller Ogon, Kohaku, Sanke, Showa, and a multitude of other breeds. We do also offer domestic koi, but have found the quality and health of our Japanese imports unbeatable.


In the spring and summer we turn our parking lot into a small aquatic nursery with a large selection of hardy and tropical water lilies, marginals, and oxygenator plants. Throughout the year we are stocked with a wide variety of indoor aquarium plants, including, among others, many species of Aponogeton, Anubias, and Cryptocoryne.


Uncle Ned's offers a full line of aquarium and pond equipment. This includes specialty items such as lighting, drilled tanks, and pond liners as well as all the basics of aquarium maintenance. Whatever we don't have in stock at the store we can order for you in under a week – don't be afraid to ask! 

Tanks:    Aqueon, Marineland

Stands and Canopys

Lighting:  Full line of Aqueon Strip lights.  Other fluorescent fixtures by special order.  LED fixtures, in stock and by special order. Easy to get your Reef and planted aquarium lights here!  

Filtration: Hagen Aquaclear Filters always in stock, replacement cartridges always in stock.  Cascade Canister Filters in stock and by special order.  All other brands either in stock or by special order.  Also available are Sumps and Wet Dry filtration systems.

Other Equipment: We carry or can order for you a large assortment of aquarium equipment - UV Sterilizers, Protein Skimmers, Heaters, Water Changing Systems, RO units etc.  Always in stock those items that we, as long time hobbyists and suppliers, feel are the most necessary and most reliable.  

Pond Equipment: Pond Liners, Pond Pumps, Skimmer Boxes, Waterfall Filters, Canister Filters, UV Sterilizers, Hosing, Bulkheads, and more are all stocked and or available upon request.  Savio, Pondmaster, Tetra, and Laguna are just some of the brands we like to carry.

Maintenance and Installation:
Professional Maintenance and Installation is available through "Fish Works" Rebecca.
They do custom tank installations & piping, full service aquatic maintenance. Delivery services are available .
For more information contact Rebecca (508) 881-8830